RICHARD H ELLIS 18, 5'10 1/2 178 lbs, 1 brown hoir & eyes, Of Swedelsh,scotch, Welch ood Irish descent. Aspires to bet a sculptor, & painter. While this angle makes him look hippy, he is octually quite trim with a 30 inch waist. His sports are gymnastics, football, boxing and swimming. Ken Wallace 5880 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood 28, Calif offers 12 "SeeableSize" enlargements of Dick for $2.

DALE HUFF 21, 59 180 lbs leads an octive outdoor life in sports, sport -cor driving and all-round general living. He feels that now he should enjoy all the rigourous living that he can, for when he turns seriously to his career as a teacher he wont have much chance for such interests as competitive swimming and diving.

He was all-city champion diver and distance swimmer in a northern California city for three years. Like all sensible sports car enthusiasts, Dole believes in safe and sone driving on the rood with speed being sought only on authorized race tracks.

Dole is single and devotes what spare time he has to study and better equip himself for the future.

Ken Wallace 5880 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood 28 Californio offers six "Seeoble-Six enlargements of Dele for $1.

Ken offers a sample of his new. "Seeable-Size" enlargements to readers of PP for 10 cents and a stomped, selfaddressed envelope

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JACK HARTE 21, 197, neck 17.5", waist 31", Shoulders 52.5", thigh 25 1/4", calf 15 3/4" forearm 14" biceps 17 1/4, Height 5'10". Jack has been training intermittently for the last five years--found it difficult to train while he was in the navy. The bow he is handling here is not just a photographer's prop, because he is an ac-. complished archer. Also is aknife thrower.

A physical instructor in a San Francisco gym, he likes to help others get started in bodybuilding, and he says he's even more anxious to help the scroungy, hopeless looking beginner than the advanced athlete.

The photos are by California Models Bax 285 San Francisco California, who offer 8x10 prints for $1.50 each, Catalog $1 Delivery from California may take about 30 days.

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